audiogon forums. Read the reviews on the sprout 100. audiogon forums

 Read the reviews on the sprout 100audiogon forums

Edit. 173536-16123. From plenty of experience breaking in new speakers, 500 hours is not unrealistic, unless a break in disc or other devices are used. 25, 212/SE, S/812, Carbon Limited, and S/510. However, whenever someone asks for opinions in the forums, the usual suspects are Primaluna, Rogue Audio, Raven Audio, Line Magnetic, Quicksilver, etc. Delete. This discussion. 1,032 posts. Delete. The answer is to connect a second router to the primary router. I might wait to see if I can get my hands on some used Wilson Audio Duette Series 2 or maybe they will come out with a series 3! Looking for some high efficient speakers for my secondary listening room / Den. Message User. I wore a Koetsu Black down to a nub. I have heard the H30 with Blade 1 in an excellent room. . 06-25-2023 at 08:23pm. The tweeters have been precision matched and upgraded to Audax Gold. Multiple load failures for the Forum Page. Delete. Edit. We allow for some rich text with quoted. Message User. 04-30-2022 at 07:13pm. Delete. Delete. Delete. Report Comment. I also faced the same question. I have a Technics 1200G. Thread Display Options. I have not tried the AMRG resistors, but have read good things about them. I sold my TT2 to upgrade to the dCS Bartok. Their families think they’re crazy for spending all this money on audio. The PSA M1200 amps use IcePower modules with proprietary tubed input stage. To build a system that competes with the better more expensive sounding systems out there. For now, I will not list or buy till. I’ll be trying them with my stable of 3 watt 2A3 SET, 18 watt EL34 PP, and 36 watt EL 84 PP amps. Message User. Details. This discussion. 08-27-2020 at 06:28pm. 246 lbs each. 3,496 posts. Edit. When you consider all the cheap connections and circuit breakers in the service entrance (panel), it's hard to justify spending a lot of money on wall outlets. Discussions. (Hybrid class D). Along with Joseph Audio Perspective 2, SRC-1 was the best sound in CAF cost no object. Report Comment. 00. Timely discussion. The real meat of this is the four DACs in the $4500 to $5500 range, Wavelight, HydraVox, M3 and TT2. Can't say for sure, but I'd think that if you're able to make cartridge alignment adjustments by yourself, like with the anti-skating, there wouldn't be much else the technician could do, I would suggest watching a few YouTube vids or online articles/forums on turntable. Copy Comment URL. The Preamp is in production and will be ready to ship in about 2 weeks. Up for sale pair of Thiel CS-1. . Report Comment. The "problem" with SET amps is there are so few parts that parts quality is crucial especially output transformers which can be quite pricey. Posts. Posts. good luck. Report Comment. Yeah, apparently there are 2 guys in the Dynaudio sales department in the US, Mitch and Michael. Copy Comment URL. Message User. emailists 04-14-2022 3:56pm. But honestly, I’ve never looked at Audiogon as a resource for great system advice. . Everyone has a budget. An old forum post recommended The Tube Museum to source NOS/NIB tubes. I spoke to Fritz a few times about 5-6 years ago when last looking for new speakers, but went in a different direction. 9 hours ago. Next › Last » Discover what audio enthusiasts are saying about Analog Audiogon is the largest, most respected high-end audio community in the industry. -Just look on Audiogon to see how many of us regard him. 3) I never turn off the 16. These Acora Acoustics. Hattor is the brand used for complete preamps from the same company. 00. However, there is a bottle of fine Scotch, likely single malt, riding on this bet. Insider Forum. If we can reset our brains (or me at least) I can still enjoy music without needing a great system for it. If you don’t trust the dealer and manufacturer in question to honestly disclose that it is in fact new and not B stock cancel your order and find those you are comfortable with. 03-23-2022 at 02:17pm. Rosson Audio Design RAD-0. I have an SME tonearm. If you have any. Jazz for aficionados. Good luck finding something for $30k that sounds as good. Initially, I was all in on the Revels because of how well the measure, particularly off axis, since I have an open concept living room kitchen that is wide. Daily forum chats. Pass and D'Agostino would be high up on my list. Wilson audio , YG Acoustics, Magico ,Alta Audio , Salk Audio ,Spatial audio , Omega audio. Delete. Not sure why, but it appears the OP edited their original post from a longer story about being on the list and having to cancel their order to this two word version. It’s incredibly interesting and goes some way to showing why cables matter and that all cables are not equal. To generalize, I think there are features on this forum that are useful and well implemented. I’ve been through myriad mats on my Technics SP10R, including the stock rubber, Oyaide BR-One, Origin Live (love their Gravity One stabilizer), Ortofon cork/rubber, both thicknesses of Acromat, the Herbie’s mat, and others. stereo playback for SACDs, audio CDs, CD-Rs, CD-RWs, and DVD-Rs". My dog pooping projects a more professional image than the wankers ripping this switch apart verbally and physically in this video. 5k and is an outgoing model. Edit. This discussion. Use one as your headstone, and the other for your wife/ husband. 03-30-2023 at 08:16am. Delete. I mentioned flagship. ) that is silver plated copper and sells for $20. II, more amp friendly, horn-like impulse response. 6,097 posts. Report Comment. High end HiFi is "for sale now" ie: a buyer's. My listening room can fit either speaker. Edit. Additional dampening and is. I loved the sound of it too and wore it down to a nub as well. I was talking to Keith Herron and he was having trouble accessing the Audiogon Forums. This was back in 2006 and around the time I sold that amp the revised McCormack amps would pop up on the market quiet frequently. Discussions. Edit. jonathanb. I am having a pair of 1960 Altec Lansing 1570B mono blocks refurbished and modded. com harnessed the power of the Internet to create a community that has resulted in a more liquid market for selling audiophile gear. In my experience, I have never heard speakers that image quite like the way. Once you get a flat frequency response you will be able to really hear the difference a component change can make. Warm/Warmth – A quality of sound defined by fullness, engaging vocals, bumped mid-bass, and a clear midrange. Report Comment. @tomic601 Respectfully, I disagree that "hyper detail" is distortion. I'm just sitting here remembering that famous CoD player who made a video of himself playing CoD and bragging about how great he was with the cheat program still up on his screen. 09-17-2020 at 07:25pm. They show their associated equipment and use standard high end audio terminology. +1 @yogiboy I was just going to say, HiFi Shark and its notifications do exactly this, but across multiple platforms. Copy Comment URL. This is a hi-fi forum. I used it with a bright and detailed headphone, and it was very good. It needs to be operated with a source unit (typically a streamer) with a variable output/volume control. by vpi · 1,496 views. Report Comment. JBL M2 is one of the best speakers I have listened to. Every time. The Hana ML base is roughly machined. The specs don't list DVD-Audio discs, so I would presume it will not play them. 2. Delete. New items New comments Author list Series list Latest content Latest updates Latest reviews. . 0" (25. I have tried twice to buy equipment from him and both times he was rude and opinionated to the point of insulting. I’ve been through myriad mats on my Technics SP10R, including the stock rubber, Oyaide BR-One, Origin Live (love their Gravity One stabilizer), Ortofon cork/rubber, both thicknesses of Acromat, the Herbie’s mat, and others. Copy Comment URL. I have owned quite a few good reasonably priced tube amps in my life. 16. . 5" to 36". 06-01-2022 at 01:32pm. So here is my question: I have gone through 3 6550 tubes in the Ref 5 (which AR says is used as a “voltage regulator” in the. REAL SHOCKER the "PROAC K-1's" was the best Monitor speakers at Munich 2023 beating out the Highly Highly Raved TAD Monitors that all the Audio Reviewers say are the Holy Grail of all Monitors ! 🤔😲😲😲. Delete. This is one way in which a forum can be superior to a reviewer. 35. 04-16-2022 at 01:51pm. helomech, REL uses a Class AB in their G1 MKII and some of their other subs, but Class D in their No. @wenhaw "he straight out told me that based on his experience with a myriad of AN equipment, if I’m getting an AN power-amp then I should pair it with an AN pre or just get an AN integrated and that AN equipment doesn’t mix well with other brands. Yeah, my toe did do some tapping. Expand all responses. 4. 09-23-2021 at 05:22pm. Gives the Blackhawk a run for the money. @tomic601 Respectfully, I disagree that "hyper detail" is distortion. Details. Nearly all models were large and heavy. Copy Comment URL. I guess they consider me small fish and their time is better spent on larger customers. Edit. If you have not listened to it, please restrain yourself. Menu. 1,042 posts. 11,943 posts. THOUGHTS? calvinj 11-18-2023 5:45am. by vpi · 1,496 views. I've owned cables by many different manufacturers. 15' wide by 11' deep by 9'5. One kind of post is made when someone gets a new piece of equipment, is excited about it, and wants to share with others. Please return to Audiogon. During my first 15 years with an audio system, vinyl was my main source. With over 6 million audiophiles visiting the site annually, your item is guaranteed exposure to the right potential buyers—ones that appreciate what you are selling. I played Enya, one of my Westminster albums and Jacintha. It’s the beauty of our our hobby. by garebear · 7,006 views. There were several recent discussions started via Audiogon's forums about this new fee and the moderators removed them all. 4cm) W x 13. I am 85 and have been fiddling with audio since the age of 10. Speakers 879 Listings Category Speakers Sort by Boosted Listings learn more Loading Boosts. on Oct 23. Accessing Audiogon securely. For manufacturers. 05-23-2023 at 12:01pm. Delete. Report Comment. 12-20-2022 at 01:00pm. 246 lbs each. (This would be about $6K with a Peachtree or. The older stuff/ cables is still better than a lot of stuff currently on the market. 01-21-2023 at 05:42am. 09-06-2022 at 07:00am. 01-27-2022 at 03:37pm. IMO Linn is very innovative and I have always loved their. 04-06-2022 at 10:26pm. I stream Qobuz. Audiogon The world's largest high-end audio community. the SLC of the XI. Edit. 12-30-2020 at 04:32pm. Report Comment. I have been reading a lot of threads here that I have been informative and helpful. 5db and 4 instead of 8 ohm. Delete. Revel f36. I believe it ties a lot to the fickle nature of the audiophile market. Chord dacs are good better with headphones than speakers to my ears. on Oct 7. Message User. 4 version not the 2. Question is, will Audiogon fix it, and if not what are their reasons for not doing so (multiple ad hits?)?The new Holo springs 3- the new model has a lot of May trickle down technologies and a clear step up from the pontus mk2. Couple of simple forum website suggestions. Delete. Once logged in to the Audiogon Forums, you can click on the Start a New Discussion link in the navigation bar to begin. Copy Comment URL. It grips a ton and comes with the cover plate. PVF services cost $8/record for "Archival 3. Yeah, my toe did do some tapping. He loved the sound of my system, and no, he wasn't being polite. The strata,storm,studio,q series,T series and now the new S series. The XA is the lower output air core version of the new ART9 series having . The Icon is with my son and honestly can say they are very very close in sound quality, staging, transparency. Our Forums have been around for over two decades. My Victor TT-101 drive cost $1500, redone by JP for $1750, original plinth with new Teak veneer $500 including 6 boards, $3750 for Victor which is legendary TT. Perhaps it was my attitude with the equipment being discussed, but I really am not sure. com and complete this step. Full-Range. 05-23-2023 at 12:01pm. 2. Misc Audio. Owned, sold, repurchased a different pair a couple of years later. And actual USER of OMA (Fleetwood Sound) speakers is happy, you will find his original post in the same thread, but i will post it below. You must have a verified phone number and physical address in order to post in the Audiogon Forums. There will be a factory discount for early purchasers. On power cords I go with the theory quality plugs, quality cable of sufficient gauge with a quality IEC does the job, no more than £100. Its a strength because it makes for a very smooth and cohesive sound. The part I don’t understand is simple tools would have avoided the whole mess. First listening impressions: extremely lean sound. Go for APEX upgrade and add master clock as your finances permits. I will one day give D. Found vocals a little off/ sounded better w external streamer - but then whats the point of the DAC / Streamer. needs wider area, advantage, many two arm tables are deeper than normal. Copy Comment URL. 05-24-2011 at 10:46am. Report Comment. Discussions. 13,381 posts. Expressing myself through this forum has been helpful to me in diagnosing the pitfalls of sound addiction. 610 posts. I had a pair of 3. Lab 12 DAC: loved the sound; too big a footprint. The Clear Day Double Shotgun mentioned above by @dill are the lowest priced silver speaker cables I remember ever hearing of ($500 for an 8 foot pair). Indeed, the included shielding was useless, but the fluorocarbon (Teflon) dielectric throughout was real. My question: is there really anything s. Details. 01-26-2023 at 03:50pm. . Not that there’s necessarily anything wrong with that. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. Sometimes when my wife is upstairs I'll listen very low and I'm astonished how, after allowing my. 10,312 posts. With this said the bluesound is a great budget unit. Report Comment. The new 9000CDT looks very nice, though it is priced about $900 more than the 6000CDT. 95. charles1dad. There was a volume issue with the following amps and the pre90. Bigger cabinet - up from 31. Warning for Revel lovers. Besides, I want this forum to continue and using an ad-blocker takes the revenue away from them necessary to maintain the site. . "Closing discussions" I’ve NEVER seen that one. If a low input impedance in the power amp is the problem, there are four tube pre-amps which will drive a load as low as even 600 ohms: two from Atma-Sphere, and two from EAR-Yoshino. Delete. Pick your wood and inlay design and let Lou craft you a pair of speakers that exude craftsmanship and pride of ownership. Sure speed the speed dating process would be easier with your dedicated amp and headspeakers. You must be a registered user to Start a New Discussion. Delete. Made my head hurt. These are a pair of SoundLab Majestic 745 panels. I also saw “my” DNA-225 come up on audiogon classifieds at least 3 times (could be more but I as well as my audio buddies just stopped paying attention to McCormack amps). Lots of good reviews and comments here about Fritz speakers. The M700's are a good value, but not as nice as the A-21. If you want to have a fun and productive discussion going, come up with a bit more interesting topic than this or go to ASR forum where you’ll be a star for posting something as stupid as this video. by navyachts · 2,720 views. I just bought a cable for about $950 and Audiogon charged me a $5. laddy. VERY AFFORDABLE! Hi I usually get a email every evening between 6:55 and 7:00 pm with most recent and popular threads here on Audiogon. Edit. Tube Testing Service Recommendation. I had a couple of guys over 2 weeks ago, one of them is an Audiogoner and both loved my 2 systems. @shtr74sims Not sure this helps but - It’s all over the map out there - across multiple generations of "gear". To answer your questions: 1) It's a terrific match with the NSMT 100's. big_greg. *shrugs*. Especially now that my latest pair are closer to $10k. Message User. Have since moved on to different speakers, but I still think the DeCapo is a really good small-ish 2-way standmount. Copy Comment URL. example of used, allows 2 tonearms: luxman PD444DD, rear can be long arm, side 9". 06-22-2022 at 05:00am. I love my Pontus II, but I'm not sure I could get $1600 for it. 05-28-2023 at 06:08pm. The Hint 6 comes in closer to $3000, offering balanced inputs, A/AB amplification courtesy of John Curl, slightly improved DAC, 160 wpc @ 8 ohms and 240 wpc @ 4 ohms. The ASR review is (IMO) the equivalent of reviewing/measuring large Sound Lab's in a 4' x 6' room. I couldnt be more pleased. Initially, I was all in on the Revels because of how well the measure, particularly off axis, since I have an open concept living room kitchen that is wide. Leben CS-600X. 345 posts. Luckily, Audiogon is the largest Hi-Fi marketplace and community in the industry. Delete. Hi Does any of you using VPN to access Audiogon? Please share which one you've chosen. I would love to add in a Holo May, Denafrips Terminator+, something from Topping and a Lampizator product. My hifi friends also dig it and a fancy mono block friend was “stunned”. This discussion. Thanks, Anthony in Oregon. com and complete this step. Linn Audio. Forum contributions in the past 48 hours; Floating ground in the apt. thanks in advance. I have never heard dull or shrill sound from my systems. I personally have a REF75SE, sold it, missed it terribly, and went to buy a replacement as soon as one became available. 5. 4,113 posts. Currently using the Klipsch The Fives…. My DAC requires XLR or BNC cables. Details. Information can be gleaned from every forum in that way. When the wife went out of town for a time, I set up both 'tables side-by-side and did several weeks of intensive comparative listening. Log in to respond. Report Comment. I actually believe I have more Freedom of Speech in Siberia and Beijing than I do on an Audiogon Forum. Copy Comment URL. Discussions. @middlemass - this should not be necessary, and some of the websites I use for my work break when an ad blocker is used. So the majority of my in store demos focused on them exclusively. I am new to this forum and to any music forum for that matter. You must have a verified phone number and physical address in order to post in the Audiogon Forums. birdymaker. 1,439 posts. I've looked at reviews for Audio-GD, Denafrips, Sonnet, and the new one from Jay's Audio (which doesn't yet seem to have any reviews that I can find). So, yup, things are a bit more expensive these days.