epistane strength gains. At the same time, it helps inhibit the breakdown of protein, so your recovery is smoother. epistane strength gains

 At the same time, it helps inhibit the breakdown of protein, so your recovery is smootherepistane strength gains Epistane is an anabolic steroid that the body converts into testosterone and other sex hormones

gains were good and i've been keeping the cals/protein up. But what 4-Andro does produce. Nov. While compounds such as Clomid and Nolvadex also block the 17β-estradiol receptor, they do not elicit the same increase in protein synthesis and strength gains that Epistane can offer. Sean. All effects combined make Epistane a great compound to produce dry, lean gains in muscle mass with minimal side effects and suppression of the body’s natural androgen production, while lowering the effects of natural estrogen or combating estrogen from. I was running 40mgs x 5 weeks of epi and for pct 120mgs. . Gains from Epistane are dry and lean. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Epistane! What are Prohormones? Prohormones are a precursor to the hormones that the body. With most powerful androgens there is a high risk of the natural suppression of the gonads. Best Epistane Prohormone: Gains with Epistane are considered dry and hard. Through proper organization, method and by the intelligent use of suitable ancillary supplements, users can uphold the gains of prohormones, while quickening the reclamation of complete. Epistanne Strength Gains. Again, it’s advised to start out with just 25mg per day to see how your body reacts to it. Through suitable planning, work and by the clever use of suitable ancillary supplements, users can uphold the gains of prohormones, while speeding up the regaining of optimal body function. Availability: In Stock. 4-androsten-3B-ol-17-one is a 4-Andro component for wet gains, as well as mass and size. Prohormones are toxic to the liver and cause a far greater degree of testosterone suppression than SARMs. The supplement includes 17beta (3 ketoethyl)-androstane-3-one, 17 a-ol — an Anabolic Progestin a later class of prohormones showing similar effects as those driven by 1-Testosterone. Epistane cutting I am going to run an epi cycle in june as a cut. com, you will find the largest selection of Prohormones, PCT, Cycle Support, and Myostatin Inhibitors at the cheapest prices and home of the $50+ free same day shipping!. The compound is a derivative of DHT and increases testosterone production. Epistane 5 Weeks Later. Epistane can be stacked together with methylstenbolone or trenavar, both will help to produce dry gains but with more mass and increased strength. All effects combined make Epistane™ a great compound to produce dry, lean gains in muscle mass with minimal side effects and suppression of the body’s natural androgen production, while lowering the effects of natural estrogen or combating estrogen. What’s The Best Cycle Support for Epistane? Protects the liver and restore natural bile acid production Dissolves dietary fats so that they can be more easily broken down by lipases Enables absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K in the gut Protects the gut from infection by. Anabolic Steroids & BodybuildingProhormones are compounds which, precisely speaking, are changed through an enzymatic sequence to anabolic hormones of the human body. Feb 20, 2007. Gain lean, dry, hard muscle while shredding body fat with Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Superdrol. M Sten is derived from DHT, so it doesn’t convert to estrogen, resulting in little to no water retention. This is the purest, strongest, most potent largest quantity Epistane prohormone available. Cycle the bulking andro stack the right way. Rather guys should try to elevate their strength post the cycle, cause strength is a great signal for the body asking it to maintain muscle mass. People who are new to Epistane should use no more than 30mg daily. For instance, a prohormone can be a precursor to testosterone. Strength gains were beyond anything else I've ever experienced (noob gains notwithstanding). Effects: You will go faster longer. as far as strength gains. This makes it a very potent compound that can provide serious muscle gains. They are also horrible for hair loss. Epistane is very potent anti-catabolic agent during cutting, and can be found in this cycle: OxandroVar the one-bottle stack of Prohormones, Prosteroids and Analouges for the perfect cutting cycle. Unlike the other companies,. A. Typically, users have reported noticeable strength gains and increased muscle mass within a 4-8 week period of taking 4-Andro. I take liver support, a daily and Hawthorn Berry as well. my update: week 1 @ 30mg - 1 pound gain week 2 @ 40mg - 0 pound gain in week 3 @ 50mg - 1 pound gain also running test and t-4 no strength gain difference from what test usually gives me every week no increased hair loss or acne shin pumps are pretty bad if i try to jog anywhere back pumps occur randomly however, great pump feeling in the gym. That’s because compared to stuff like creatine or beta-alanine, Prohormones are in an entirely different league. Qty in Cart: 0. 26. With Chosen 1 you’ll see increased muscle mass, no bloating, lean and dry gains, no estrogen conversion, and an increase in strength and recovery. This should be plenty of time for your body to recover from a mild cycle. This makes it a very potent compound that can provide serious muscle gains. This makes it a very potent compound that can provide serious muscle gains. Epiandro, on the other hand, may support strengthening muscle density and. It enables endurance to take your progressive overloads to serious levels epistane equals crazy hardness, strength, and vascularity. Epistane My interest in ProHormones stemmed from an article I read regarding. promotes solid, dry, lean muscle growth. Increased Testosterone levels will lead to an ideal. How to Use It. #10 · Jun 18, 2016. Blackstone Labs Metha Quad Extreme. Prosteroids were indirectly introduced with US Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990 (21 USCS Section 802), which. SARMs for Bulking. The side effects are harsh but they can be prevented with a solid PCT supplement. :4267-80-5 Molecular Formula:C20H32OS Molecular Weight:320. Epistane filled my muscles with glycogen and dried me out in the first week. Epistane is the best product out there, IMO. Best prohormone stack for strength The results are an explosive strength gain of 25% and a 2-3 cm gain in mass size. Increased Strength: Users often report significant strength gains while using EPI, which can enhance overall athletic performance. 4-Androsterone is a true bulking compound, which can help you gain a lot of mass. Meanwhile, androstenolone acetate is an ester of androstenolone, another relatively common prohormone used for. Nano 1t is perfect for dry gains in lean muscle mass. Black Diamond Supplements offers a considerable lineup of the best Prohormones to increase strength dramatically, help build dry, hard muscle, and power you through your performance plateaus. Epistane was not the best bulker and often used for body re-composition cycles. All effects combined make Epistane™ a great compound to produce dry, lean gains in muscle mass with minimal side effects and suppression of the body’s natural androgen production, while lowering the effects of natural estrogen or combating estrogen. LGD-4033 (great for bulking) Ligandrol is considered to be 11x stronger than ostarine, helping you gain muscle and size in a short amount of time. In fact, a 12-week cycle of RAD 140 may give similar mass gain results as a mild dose of testosterone enanthate. As such they have analogous influences in the body to anabolic steroids, instigating rapid muscle and strength gains, but of a smaller degree cause of the proportion restraining effect. Once you get up to 40 mg + epistane you need to have a test base. Our Picks for the Strongest Pre-Workout in 2023: Strongest Pre-Workout Overall: Transparent Labs BULK Black. The compound of Dymethazine prohormones is 2,17-dimethyl-5-androstan-17-ol-3,3′-azine (17b-hydroxy-2a,17b-dimethyl-5a-androstan-3-one-azine). Dry, Lean Mass Gains. alchemystical. This means ostarine may be more suited to 4-week cycling. Epi was run for 6 weeks. Prohormones are compounds that get converted into anabolic hormones once they get into your system. All in all, I liked the cycle and so long as I keep most of my strength gains and my bloodwork comes back OK a month after my PCT I will repeat it running 40mg the first 4 weeks then 50mg the final 2 weeks. Since it doesn't aromatize, it's a very dry compound with no worries about gynecomastia or water retention. S-4 doesn’t suffer such consequences so the athlete is still able to lift heavy in order to maintain/increase muscle mass and strength. Raw epi is not too expensive. Whether you are looking to build more lean muscle, get a more ripped look or just increase over all strength and gains, you can find. There are varying opinions on the effectiveness of 4 Andro and other prohormones. Super Mandro is a powerful prohormone that is highly anabolic, made for mass gains and its reviews and user feedback support its #1 position. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Epistane! What are Prohormones? Prohormones are a precursor to the hormones that the body. Epistane is more than an anti-estrogen, though, as it also binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. Wow i sure hope i can get some gains like that!:D I mean ill be happy with 1/2 inch. This makes it a very potent compound that can provide serious muscle gains. You’ll want to take one serving of Halodrol 30 minutes before. 10mg Trenavar 10mg Methylstenbolone Lean muscle and strength. vascular pretty much all the time. The Prasterone is great for muscle building and libido. Info: Epistane™ is more than an anti-estrogen, though, as it also binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. Epistane is usually thought to be best utilized on a cutting cycle, and will provide an overall body fat loss of between 2-4%. 4-Andro: 4-Andro is a highly potent prohormone that can significantly increase muscle mass and strength. . Fig 2. Epistane 0 / 0 / 0 /20/30/30/40 Any recommendations please give me suggestions. T E S T O S T E R O N E J U N K I E. The best SARM for bulking right now appears to be Testolone RAD 140. However, any gains or enhancements experienced from prohormone use are usually short-term and come with a price. Epistane is a dry mass gainer that will give you a lean, aesthetic appearance, increase strength and power, and can give you a whole new physique in just a couple of weeks. Week 4-6: Form-XT 4 caplets daily. In stock. Nano 1t. In stock. Find a list of the best bulking and mass prohormones on the market. Rated 4. Androsterone is converted into DHT, which will help you with strength gains, muscle growth, increased lipolysis and energy and drive. Same day shipping. 2 exercise. Doses between 20-30mg per day will help increase size and strength. If you don’t use one, you’re at risk of losing your gains and the fact that your testosterone will take longer to recover. As far as limp noddle dont know had some due to Inhibit-e dosed too high. Epistane is an anabolic steroid that the body converts into testosterone and other sex hormones. Epistane also doesn’t convert to estrogen; this means no worries about bloating, gyno, or water retention! It has actually been reported to lower estrogen, but you should never use it as an AI. This is excellent at ramping up strength, giving gains which are not just fast and clean, but also very easy to maintain. Lean muscle gains and dry gains will come along with an improvement in action intensity and a reduction in body fat. As others have suggested epistane, h-drol or even trenavar prohormones can give you a 4-6kg of lean veins in 6 weeks much more manageable sides or even none at all. Get Shredded, But Preserve Lean Muscle. But it shuts you down and makes you feel like shit. It’s a post cycle therapy formula that contains several extracts and essential ingredients to optimize testosterone levels. This naturally occurring compound is a direct precursor to Boldenone. So when you take it, it gets converted to testosterone, which increases your body's ability to gain lean muscle mass, cut fat, and. I'm not taking measurements, I never have. Besides, it is made from effectively tested and proven compounds that assure a great working ability free from side effects. Best prohormone stack for strengthResults include a massive boost to overall size, strength, and muscle gains, with accelerated fat loss and increased vein exposure. They are compounded as an effective agent in muscle building, increasing appetite, mind-blowing muscle pumps, accelerated recovery time, testosterone booster,. I'm 5' 11" and. Ostarine is much more mild and won't product the same strength gains as epistane, but it is much easier on your body and there are no risks of developing estrogen related side. Most reviews/logs are 10lb+. Stuff like 1-AD. You take Rebirth directly after the cycle is done. I will also do Raw multiple. This makes it a very potent compound that can provide serious muscle gains. Dry, good strength gain, a little muscle gain. Since prohormones also stimulate the production of red blood cells, many users enjoy excessive pumping and great vascularity. 700% more anabolic than even testosterone. With most powerful androgens there is a high risk of the natural suppression of the gonads. The Tren and Test cycle, also known as the Trenbolone and Testosterone cycle, is a popular choice among bodybuilders and athletes looking to achieve exceptional muscle growth and strength gains. ( 47 customer reviews) $ 79. What can one expect from Epistaneขโ? Incredible Strength Gains. Epistane - 10mg x 60. Instead people must try to grow their strength after the cycle, since strength is a great signal for the body requesting it to preserve muscle mass. The original Halodrol dosage was between 50 mg. 1-Testosterone. Winstrol is a ProHormone which aims to help users increase lean muscle mass, increase gains in strength and muscle mass, and increase muscle hardness and vascularity. LGD-4033 will increase the strength of tendons and ligaments, as well as bone. 53248 Purity:99% Grade:Pharmaceutical Grade Appearance:White. The lipid levels post 90 day Cardaring showed decreased bad stuff LDL triglycerides and elevated good stuff HDL. Didn’t even notice anything from LGD until the 3rd week. Epistane works potentially best for muscle gains when combined with a suitable workout. Epistane Review and FAQ (2023) - in this article we cover everything you need to know about this powerful compound for mass gain and fat loss. 1-Testosterone™ is more of a mild hormone that will give you cleaner gains and dramatic strength increases. Exciting-River5173. Registered. 1. We created a Cycle Support Guide to answer all your questions about On Cycle Support protocol. S4 is one of the best SARMs for ramping up strength, with results starting to become evident in just over a week. In fact, an argument can be made that pound-for-pound in terms of potency, no supplement gives more dramatic strength gains than Epistane. The cyclodextrin delivery system ensures optimal absorption and utilisation of 4-AD as well as makes it stackable with other prohormones for even greater muscle and strength gains. Rather people must try to increase their strength post the cycle, cause strength is a great signal for the body asking it to maintain muscle mass. You will not need an anti-aromatase while on cycle with Epistane. Top 10 Best Epistane Supplement in 2022. Purchased enough for 8 weeks at 10ml per day. Bench press went from 315x1 to 315x5, squat went from 365x1-405x3, and dead went from 405x1-455x1. Helps Strength & Power†. IronMag Labs claim that this supplement promotes the development of lean muscle mass, dry gains, increased size, strength, and hardness of the muscle. Cyclodextrin technology maximises testosterone output. Quick question. Havoc (epistane) was also my first dabble with anabolics. EPI 2A3A Prohormone (EPISTANE) by Vital Labs 120ct. In fact, most Prohormones will result in muscle growth due to the nature of the product itself. Anavar. Help on my cycle. Epistane went on the market under the name methepistiostane. With most powerful androgens there is a high risk of the natural. I'll be doing Rippetoe program - Starting Strength. ‘Clen’ stands for clenbuterol, an incredibly potent fat burner used by bodybuilders to get ripped (typically before a competition). This is the main reason that 6 weeks is usually the minimum recommended cycle length. While many companies claim that prohormones are safer than designer steroids, studies suggest. Epistane is an anabolic steroid that the body converts into testosterone and other sex hormones. Keeping gains from epistane. My bench goes up weekly. The 4-Andro will help fill out your muscles a litte more and build mass. I havent stuck myself yetWhat is Epistane Epistane belongs to the class of compounds known as Prohormones. Epistane users can expect to make massive lean, solid, dry, and hard gains. I thought it was ok and i felt some gains at completion, but wasn't amazed or anything. Instead everybody must try to increase their strength after the cycle, as strength is a powerful signal for the body telling it to preserve muscle mass. At the same time, it helps inhibit the breakdown of protein, so your recovery is smoother. ‘Tren’ is short for trenbolone, one of the most powerful anabolic steroids in existence, in regards to gains and side effects. While some people experience a marginal increase in strength, there are others who report quite dramatic strength gains on Epi. Metabolic rate jumps significantly. It will easily help you gain 6-8lbs with one cycle. Halotestin®. If you are looking to pack on the lean muscle mass while still keep your estrogen levels low, EPI2A3A is the prohormone for you. Prohormone supplement 3β-hydroxy-5α-androst-1-en-17-one enhances resistance training gains but. RPN Havoc is a designer prohormone that helps with users gain lean mass while simultaneously burning fat. Androtest is non-methylated and acts as a test base to a number of different prohormones in a stack. Didn't start seeing good results until the 4th week and strength gains have been minimum so decided to extend it 2 weeks. Someone posted recently about an epi-only cycle. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Epistane! What are Prohormones? Prohormones are a precursor to the hormones that the body. A halo and epi stack would probably be goat. In my case the sarms were more effective, with no back pumps or liver support. Lean Muscle Mass Gains; Build up StrengthProhormones are trending in the right direction when it comes to muscle growth and improved strength. Helps promote the development of fuller muscles. •Use with bulking diet, gains can range from 10-15+lbs on a 5 week cycle at 40mg. Epistane, a popular prohormone in bodybuilding for lean muscle growth and strength enhancement, also presents potential health risks. A halo and epi stack would probably be goat. warlord_wrug Member. However, a few weeks after the cycle my joints gradually got worse. They’re ideal for athletes over the age of 21 who are looking for a serious edge in performance, no matter what their goals or discipline. Also acts as an anti e so keeps you looking dry. Can't lower the epi as it's already low on 30 a day and gains have been so good especially strength gains that I don't want to stop or alter the dose before my cycle is up if I really don't have to. With most powerful androgens there is a high risk of the natural suppression of the gonads. Ontop of epistane, I took fish oil twice daily to accommodate for the sore joints involved with the compound. Supplement Forum Supplement Logs Company Promos Supplement Deals Supplement Companies Nutrition Forum Weight Loss Forum Training Forum Pro Bodybuilding Forum Natural Bodybuidling Anabolic Forum Anti-Aging Forum. This dosage is usually split into several 10mg doses which should be taken throughout the day in intervals of about 7 hours. Simply because there have been many trenbolone prohormones that converted into dienolone before trenavar but all of them were far weaker than trenbolone itself. Given my limited experience with peds, I prefer an S4, Ostarine, GW shred to Epistane. All effects combined make Epistane a great compound to produce dry, lean gains in muscle mass with minimal side effects and suppression of the body’s natural androgen production, while lowering the effects of natural estrogen or combating estrogen from. bigzach1234 Active member. The use of Alpha Labs Epistane can be associated with a 20 per cent increase in strength, a 35 per cent increase in muscle mass, and a 47 per cent increase in. Clean bulk but only requirements were a min of 250gm pro/day 3) What diet your diet was like and how it went. In terms of gains I would say 8 pounds lean and sustainable would be reasonable for someone who is not far above their genetic limit. In my opinion, too hepatoxic to be run for a long time safely to see mature gains. Msten gives a bit more glycogen fullness, Epistane a bit more strength, Msten a tad more mass in the end. I was thinking about pheraplex but decided on Epi. Once that happens, life starts to suck a little. I am hoping that with the combination of Epistane and Rippetoe's routine, I will see an improvement. Methyl-1-Alpha is an illegal prohormone (banned) used to have massive gains in size and strength. I generally hear of more guys using adrol to peak for meets, for 2-6 weeks pre-comp. The 1-Andro and Epi-Andro are great for lean, hard, and dry gains. Finally the PRO-Anabolic, anti-estrogen we have all been waiting for has arrived! Epistane™, exhibits a strong, long lasting anti-estrogen effect thatThe main active ingredient in Decabolin is 19-NorAndro. Thanks lads, never cycled before as I'm natty thus far but was looking into transdermals when I kept seeing how so many folks ran Epistane as their first cycle and were more than impressed with it whilst on, the results after and what they kept when back to normal. Epiandrosterone: Epiandrosterone is a prohormone that can help with muscle building, fat loss, and strength gains without the adverse side effects of some other prohormones. Bottom Line. The first major benefit when using epistane will be dry and hard muscle gains. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Epistane! What are Prohormones? Prohormones are a precursor to the hormones that the body. Laxogenin aids in protein synthesis for developing lean muscle and strength. Hey everyone, I've been at a plateau for 6 months, and I'm not going to waste my money on test boosters. Designed to increase strength, mass and aggression, it's one of the best designed and bioavailable blends of prohormones. Lean Muscle & Strength. This allows them to have a range even bigger than that of Hi Tech. $289. This supplement has rightly earned a reputation as one of the very best designer prohormones available for sale today. Results of 4 Andro Scientific Studies. Deca is a long ester, growth you won’t feel for months, the same with the longer esters of sust. Good questions. Manufactured by: Muscle Research (MRSupps) Epi-Strong is a powerful supplement used to gain impressive lean size and strength gains with no water retention. Info: Epistane™ is more than an anti-estrogen, though, as it also binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. Protein. Nano 1t. 04 08 06 51. I think first cycle I gained about 20lbs. 3 caps a day = 130mg test per week. 99. The muscle and strength gains from Superdrol are second to none if you're talking about a 4 week cycle (I wouldn't run it any longer). Add test, and you won't get any lethargy. IconSupps. My bench goes up weekly. I’ve used both Rad and LGD and barely got any side effects. Awards 2. Epistane users can expect to make massive lean, solid, dry, and hard gains. CAS 4267-80-5 EpistaneProduct Name:EpistaneAlias:Havoc,Methepitiostane,Epithio,EpitiostanolChemical Name:2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-olCAS NO. Gains weren't huge but strength was incredible. Epiandrosterone Review. . 99. Deca is a long ester, growth you won’t feel for months, the same with the longer esters of sust. Supports alpha male mentality. Ive been running my first prohormone cycle of epistane for 5 weeks now. There are three prohormones to this. 1. from non steroidal/abuse experience, liver values have to go pretty high and actually cause blockages in order to start to feel that fatigue which leads to the grey/white stool etc. or 4 payments of $20. Generally, the optimal arimistane dosage is between 25-75mg per day. If you want to max out your results, stack 5 mg of RAD 140 with 10 mg of MK 677 daily over 8 weeks. As a PRO-Anabolic compound Epistane promotes increases in strength and lean body mass with an anabolic/androgenic value (Q ratio) of 12. The best Prohormone stacks can elevate testosterone levels and refine muscle tone while also promoting protein. Most people gain 6-10 lbs during a. It was made for women to prevent breast cancer. However, as well as reducing body fat, Epistane has many other positive effects. 1-Andro and 4-Andro bump up muscle gains without estrogen production side effects. $24. . In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Epistane! What are Prohormones? Prohormones are a precursor to the hormones that the body. Aesthetic side effects such as water retention and gynecomastia contain a low probability in you seeing these effects. Go to prohormones r/prohormones. Epistane is the best product out there, IMO. For me SD was a better gainer, but Much, Much harsher sides. Sep 13, 2020 #10Cycle: My epistane cycle involves 10 mg as I woke up, then 30 mg pre workout every day for 30 days. Over 670k visitors!. Feb 10, 2007. It’s entirely possible, if your diet and training are right, to gain 15 pounds in a standard cycle of 8 to 12 weeks. I do have to. Since it has a conversion into the m1t prohormone, Methyl-1-Alpha. Epi-Andro is the best for cutting prohormone. Anecdotally, we have seen Superdrol adding 15-20lbs of lean muscle via a cycle, as well as enhancing strength to record levels. 30mg wk1-4 40mg wk5-7 2) What your usage of it was. Given my limited experience with peds, I prefer an S4, Ostarine, GW shred to Epistane. While the strength levels of the subjects did increase, it’s not clear whether or not these gains were able to be maintained. Trestolone Acetate (MENT) CAS 6157-87-5, also known as a7 alpha-methyl-nortestosterone (MENT powder) is an extremely powerful synthetic steroid that is even stronger than testosterone. At MySupplementStore. Prohormone stack in 2023. Awards 2. All your lifts will start shooting up, every single gym session. Epistane is relatively mild on the gonads. Please Scroll Down to See Forums Below . Since it doesn't aromatize, it's a very dry compound with no worries about gynecomastia. Known for its anti-estrogenic effects, it boosts testosterone levels but may lead to liver toxicity and hormonal imbalances. Epistane™ binds specifically to the 17ß-estradiol receptor protein in the target tissues. Add to cart. I keep on hearing that var is better for strength gains & fat loss but epistane is better for weight gain. When adding prohormone supplements into a diet, mind that it is necessary to distribute them evenly during the day. The option to. Take your muscle gains and strength to the next level. Epistane has shown anti-estrogenic effects, meaning it can also reduce estrogen during a cycle. Dymethazine® does not aromatize to estrogen, so bloating and. I took some Epistane and E-stane didnt receive any type of side effects ran at 30/30/30/40/40. So once you start cycling Epistane, it’d only be a matter of time before you start making light work of your previous. If you only dosing pwo any size gains other than the progressive overload achieved through strength gains? Chados Well-known member. Nano 1T is a nanoparticulated version of 1-testosterone, a non-toxic prohormone. Supports Testosterone Levels†. Methyl-1-Alpha prohormones are methylated and known to be hard on the body (low dosage, short cycles and liver support supplements are very important). ‘Tren’ is short for trenbolone, one of the most powerful anabolic steroids in existence, in regards to gains and side effects. You'll tank your estro. Each person responds differently though, one may work for you that sucks for another, just have to. Not a prohormone but cardarine sounds like your thing bro and it’s not suppressive but no real strength gains, but if you want strength and endurance I’d say Epistane dude but it has sides ReplyGains of an M-Sten cycle are impressive, with a reported lean mass gain of up to 25 lbs in 4 weeks. Then, the second cycle can allow you to gain even more impressive results as you consider increasing the dosage. Furthermore, it has an anabolic vs. I want to get stronger, prevent lethargy, and as an added benefit lean out a bit for the beach season here, which helps me remain in my weight class. Epistane 20 is by far our most popular pro-hormone and absolutely perfect for those who are new to pro-hormones and would like to know much these products can benefit you in your training and improvement. In its place people should try to grow their strength post the cycle, cause strength is a potent signal for the body asking it to uphold muscle mass. Read More "Everything you Need to Know About Epistane (Updated 2021)" The post Everything. Hard and lean muscle gains. It took me a bit by surprise, it wasn’t anything particularly outstanding that we are all led to believe. And the strength gains just happened without that much effort. Anavar, like Winstrol, is one of the few oral steroids that can produce lean muscle gains, whilst simultaneously stripping fat. After enhancing levels of protein and nitrogen, it will help build muscle mass and boost your strength. 10mg/day for both. Boosts strength levels. Yeah I'll work on getting my posts up to 10 and then pm you. I got another 4 weeks to go. It also produces very noticeable physique changes for. Hands down.